Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Reflections: Lessons 1 & 2

Learning about film classification has been really interesting so far, here are some interesting facts I learnt:

  • The Film Industry did not want the government to be directly involved in the classification of films and as a result set up their own classification companies, such as they BBFC in Britain, so that the film industry could become independant and self-regulating. 
  • The local authorities can overrule the decision made by the BBFC and this can lead to the film not being shown in the area - so certain films cannot be watched in certain areas.
  • Although the BBFC follow their own guidelines extremely well, and normally make the right decision, some parents still complained when they thought that the 'Dark Knight' should have been a 15 even though the definition of the 12A it received says that it is up to the adult to decided whether their child can see the film. A lack of knowledge about the information availble is found here as most parents do not know that there are detailed summaries of every regulated film on the ParentBBFC website.   

1 comment:

  1. excellent notes and reflections tom - a great start, well done. miss b :-)
